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Last Post 7/28/2010 1:17 AM by  Renee W
Saved search for 2 overlapping shifts
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Renee W

7/28/2010 1:17 AM

    We received the following email from a potential client who has two staffing shifts operating in a 24 hour period.

    "The only problem that we are having and its a fairly major one is that the second shift of the day is having trouble seeing what has occurred on the previous shift in terms of BOTH jobs being logged and jobs that have been actioned.  Is there a way ( and we can do it if we write a report ) on the screen using the Saved Search functionality to do this?  This would be better than the report as its faster and within the system on the screen. The only issue is that the Saved Search parameters only allow you to do Actioned jobs in last... 24 hours say OR Logged jobs in last 24 hours. What we want really is both – a listing or search that gives any interaction whatsoever to do with jobs for the previous say 24 hours."

    Great question, as I'm sure he's not the only one with overlapping staff.  The key is to remember that when you log a new job, you have to action it before you close it.  Therefore a new job logged in the last 24 hours is also a job actioned in the last 24 hours.  So creating a saved search which looks for all jobs actioned in the last 24 hours will bring up BOTH new jobs logged, and existing jobs which have had an action added.  Here is a screen shot of how to set-up this saved search.

    Renee Weir
    PRD Software
