Alerts Overview

An alert is a short message, or notice that can be associated with any of the main entities of HelpMaster.  Use alerts to call attention to an entity whenever they are used, or are displayed on-screen.

Alerts can be set for Clients, Sites, Assets, Knowledge Base Articles and Jobs.




Alerts can be manually set, or automatically created by a Triggered Event.

Alerts may be used to indicate the following:

Multiple alerts can be associated with each entity

Each entity type that support alerts can have multiple alerts created for them.

The following picture displays a job that has 2 alerts associated with the entities that are linked to it.

Note - A job itself may contain an alert also.


stacked alerts

When are alerts displayed?

Alerts can be manually viewed, by clicking on the alert indicator.

alert toolbar

Alerts can also be set to automatically display whenever the entity is used, linked, or viewed.


Logging new jobs

When logging a new job, if you link a client that has alerts associated with them, these alerts will automatically be displayed according to their display properties.

logging a new job alert


See also

Setting alerts

Triggered Events - Setting an alert