Custom user-defined data fields overview

By default, HelpMaster stores a certain amount of information about each major entity that can be entered via the user interface of the application.  Due to the fact however that each HelpMaster environment is different, it is often necessary to be able to store additional information about your entities.  Custom data fields allow the system administrator to define an unlimited number of text, date, combo and Boolean (true/false) information about jobs, client, assets and sites.

Only jobs, clients, sites and assets can have custom data defined for them.

What type of data can be defined as custom?

HelpMaster has the ability to store an unlimited number of user-defined data fields for each entity in the following formats.

Check box : Use this type of data to store Boolean (true/false) type data.  A check box only has 2 options.

Date field : Use a date field to choose data from a calendar

Drop-down box : A pick list of user-defined options

Text fields : Store text-based data.  This type of custom data can be validated via a regular expression.


Where are custom fields entered on an entity screen?

Whenever some custom fields have been defined for any of the available entities, an additional "Custom" tab will appear as the last tab on the screen.

See also

Creating Custom System Codes

Assigning Custom Data to Entity Screen

Field Chooser