Additional Considerations When Using IIS 7

IIS 6 Management Compatibility (required for Web Administration Utility)

The HelpMaster Web Administration relies on the IIS 6 metabase format. IIS 7 uses a different metabase and as a result, when running the Web Interface on a server that is using IIS 7 issues with the Web Administration Utility may be encountered. The way to solve these issues is to enable IIS 6 Compatibility Mode.

To enable IIS 6 compatibility mode, in Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Server 2008, run the 'Turn windows features on or off' utility. (You can find this from 'Control Panel' -> 'Programs and Features' -> 'Turn Windows Features on or off'). Under 'Internet Information Services' -> 'Web Management Tools' select 'IIS 6 Management Compatibility' then click 'OK'. The IIS 6 Management Console however, is not required.

IIS 6 management compatibility option

An additional consideration when running Windows Vista, Windows7, or Server 2008 is to ensure that the Web Administration Program is run in the context of an Administrator which will help ensure the account has appropriate access to the IIS metabase.

Application Pool considerations

The HelpMaster Web Module by default needs to run in an application pool using Classic Pipeline Mode rather than Integrated Pipeline Mode which is the default pool in IIS 7. If run in Integrated Pipeline Mode you will likely experience an error when browsing there for the first time. To solve this error, take one of the following courses of action:

  1. Set the main HelpMaster web application to use an application pool using the classic pipeline mode e.g. the 'Classic .NET AppPool' or create a new one.
  2. Run the below script from a command prompt (remember to be accessing the command prompt in the context of an administrator if running Windows Vista, 7, or 2008 to ensure you have required access to the IIS metabase) to update the web.config to make it compatible with the integrated pipeline mode:
    %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\APPCMD.EXE migrate config "Default Web Site/application_name"
    (Be sure to modify the above to reflect the web site and application name relevant to your installation). This will update the web.config file to be compatible with the integrated pipeline schema. It is recommended you take a backup of the web.config file before undertaking this step.

Application Pool authentication also needs to be configured using the selected HelpMaster Application Identity Logon account credentials from the Advanced Settings... of the Application Pool that the HelpMaster web application belongs to. Select the HelpMaster Application Identity Logon account from the Identity option under the Process Model section as follows;

Application Pool Identity settings

Application Pool Identity

Set Credentials

Authentication considerations

IIS 7 authentication requirements differ from the simple security frameworks of IIS 5 and 6. Where previously the default authentication settings would function in IIS 5 and 6, IIS 7 requires additional configuration. The following web application authentication settings can be used for a default installation;

IIS 7 Authentication Settings

Do not modify the above authentication settings unless you are proficient in deploying web applications and in IIS configuration.

See also

Web applications and pools