Acknowledging A Job

Acknowledging a job is a special action that a staff member can perform on a job to show that they have received a job, are aware of it and are intending to work on it.  Acknowledging a job is the same as adding an action to a job, however this special action code will also insert a time and date stamp on that job when this event occurred.  This date stamp may then be used to define Priority Manager profile, manage Service Level Agreements, or simply to provide other staff members within the team an indication that the job has been acknowledged by the person its assigned to.


From the Explorer or the Job Finder,

  1. Open the job.
  2. Click on the Acknowledge job button. This will open the Action: Acknowledge job screen.
  3. Enter any details into the Details area.
  4. Click OK.

Handy Tip!  Send an email to all relevant staff member and clients, informing them that the job has been received and when you will commence work on it.   You could also use a Priority Manager rule to set the "To Be Completed by" date to a time relative to the acknowledgement date.

The Acknowledge date stamp appears as a searchable field in the Job Finder


See also

Priority Manger

Job Finder

Action Templates