Linking Clients to a Job

Every Job must have at least one client linked to it before it can be saved.

To do this:

  1. Type the client ID into the Primary Client ID textbox in its entirety, or enter as much as you know of the client ID, and click the tick, and the field will either be auto filled, or you will be given a list to choose from. 
  2. Click the Clients button to open the clients screen where you can perform a search for the desired client. When the job is actioned, the client ID that you have entered will be validated.  If no such client exists, you will be prompted to re-enter the client ID. A client ID entered in this way will automatically be flagged as the "Primary Client". 
  3. Link a client to a job from the Links tab instead of the Job Details tab.

    The steps are as follows:
    1. Open the Job Details screen
    2. Click the Links tab
    3. Right-Click Clients
    4. Click Add
    5. Use the Search functions of the Clients screen to find the client you require
    6. Click Select

Primary Clients

Further to each job requiring at least one client to be linked to it, each helpdesk job also requires that one of these clients is marked as a "primary client".  If a helpdesk job only has one client linked to it, that client automatically becomes the primary client.

When multiple clients are linked to a job, to specify who is the primary client, click the Links tab, click the Clients option, select a client and then select Primary entity.

The Primary Client designation is simply a "tag" given to one of the linked clients to identify them as the main contact for the job.  It is also used when sending email via the Action screen.  The primary client has it's own email checkbox so that email can be deliberately targeted to the primary client.

See also

User settings - Adjusting how HelpMaster searches for clients when you start typing

Overview of linking entities to a job

Linking assets to jobs

Linking sites to a job