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Last Post 11/8/2007 2:18 PM by  Rod Weir
Email Manager v8 - Scan multiple inboxes
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Rod Weir
HelpMaster development team
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11/8/2007 2:08 PM
    Now that the new version of the Email Manager has been released as part of the HelpMaster Pro v8 release candidate, you can start using it to scan and process multiple email inboxes - even from multiple email sources (Exchange, Groupwise, Gmail, Hotmail etc).

    This gives a lot of power to any email automation scenario.

    I would be interested to learn how people have been configuring the Email Manager for use within multiple-inbox environments.

    Please post your ideas. New ideas lead to new product innovation and features.

    Best regards,

    HelpMaster development team
    Check out the HelpMaster roadmap
    Rod Weir
    HelpMaster development team
    Helpdesk Hall of Fame
    Helpdesk Hall of Fame

    11/8/2007 2:18 PM
    To get the ball rolling, I'll share how we are using the Email Manager here at PRD Software.

    We use the Email Manager to scan 2 separate Exchange inboxes. One is for our helpdesk support, and the other is for scanning the inbox where the automatic email error logs are sent from HelpMaster Pro. Each inbox has it's own folder structure underneath the inbox, to represent the workflow of the email once it's been processed.

    In each of these inboxes, we have a special sub-folder that we've called "Log everything". This is a folder where any email from the inbox can be manually dragged into, and the Email Manager will log everything in this box. The idea behind this is that we don't have to create an Email Manager profile with a complex set of filtering rules for some of the more obscure emails types. If such an email exists, one of the support staff simply drags the email into the special folder and it gets logged into HelpMaster Pro in seconds.

    There's a bit more to it, but that's the basic gist.

    If anyone has any questions, I'll be glad to discuss this further or help anyone out to configure and establish an email automation program for their office.

    Best regards,

    HelpMaster development team
    Check out the HelpMaster roadmap
