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Last Post 2/13/2012 10:49 PM by  Rod Weir
Display specific job templates per client/site for web self-service
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Rod Weir
HelpMaster development team
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2/13/2012 10:49 PM

    For those using the HelpMaster web interface for client web self-service, did you know that you can customize the list of job templates that are presented to the user when they log a job?


    The list of job templates is populated via a simple SQL Server stored procedure.   By customizing this stored procedure you can customize the list based on ...

    1. The client who is currently logged on, 
    2. The site of the client who is logged on
    3. or both

    Customizing is easy.  Attached to this post is a SQL script that you can use the update your database.  Modify the commented-out section to suit your needs.  The script works with all versions of the HelpMaster web interface.

    All you need to do is match the unique IDs of client and sites with the unique IDs of job templates.

    If you need help, please contact PRD Software, or post here.

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