Active Directory Single-Sign-On for the Web Portal


Active Directory Single-Sign On allows users of the web portal to automatically be logged into the HelpMaster Web Portal based on their Windows credentials.  This means that the user can bypass the regular logon screen and/or simply click the "Sign in with Active Directory" button at the logon screen.


 In order for Active Directory login to work, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The HelpMaster Active Directory service must be installed, configured and operational
  2. All potential users of the web portal must have first been synchonized/created via an Active Directory synchronisation profile
  3. The web portal has been configured to accept logins from your domain



Once the HelpMaster Active Directory service has been installed, configured and a successful synchronization profile has run, perform the folloiwng steps:

  1. Open the HelpMaster Desktop edition as an administrator
  2. Select the Web menu, and click the Web Settings button, then the Web Logins tab
  3. Enter the name of your domain in the LDAP Domain text box, as well as the credentials of the HelpMaster Service Account being used.  To find the correct domain settings, check the Computer Properties in the Control Panel.

    Active Directory Single Sign In configuration for helpdesk web portal
  4. Restart the IIS Application Pool << Important!


After configuration, an Active Directory credential login can be performed the following three different ways:

  1. By simply clicking the "Login with Active Directory" button
  2. Entering your regular Windows login credentials into the "User name" and "Password" fields or
  3. Browsing directly to this URL:  http(s)://[Hostname]/winlogin/hm.login  (Replace [Hostname] with your real site]

Active Directory Single Sign on helpdesk web portal


Configuring the browser to allow Windows Integrated Authentication


By default, the browser that you use may not allow a users' Active Directory credentials to be passed through the browser to a web server.  This is common for Internet Explorer, FireFox and Chrome.  The following settings should be set on each computer that will be using the HelpMaster web portal with Active Directory authentication.  This can be performed via Windows Group Policy, or similar.

Internet Explorer

  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Click on the Tools icon, select 'Internet Options' and click on the 'Security' tab,
  3.  Click on the zone being used (or "Trusted Sites" for "Internet" zone) and then click the "Sites" button (and then "Advanced" if modifying the "Local intranet" zone)
  4.  Add your HelpMaster server name and IIS Host Name e.g. 'webserver' and/or FQDN e.g. '' to the 'Websites:' list
  5.  Now click on the 'Custom level...' button and scroll to the bottom of the 'Settings' list
  6.  Under 'User Authentication'>'Logon', select the 'Automatic logon with current user name and password' option. The default setting 'Automatic logon in Intranet zone' will only work if the zone being used is the "Local intranet" zone so change this if Internet access is granted to the HelpMaster Web portal.


  1. Open Firefox
  2. In the address bar type 'about:config" and press enter
  3. In the filter, type "auth" and press enter
  4. Locate the entry 'network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris'
  5. Double click on this entry and add the HostName to the "Value" property where HostName is either the machine name or the designated IIS [HostName] of the Web Server serving the HelpMaster requests. For example, if the web portal is hosted at, add '' to the list. Multiple items may be added using a comma (,) separator.

See also

Active Directory Integration with HelpMaster Windows Modules

Determining which version of Microsoft IIS you are using