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Last Post 8/9/2009 6:05 PM by  Joanne Crang
Handling Staff Departures
 2 Replies
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Peter Durbridge

7/22/2009 7:22 PM

    How do people handle staff departures? Do you change then from staff to client, so they don't appear on the staff tree view? We're linked to AD so wouldn't delete from the client list directly.

    If someone replies to a closed job assigned to the staff member who is now a client, what happens to the re-opened job?

    Would you assign all their closed jobs to someone first, then change them to client?

    Rod Weir
    HelpMaster development team
    Helpdesk Hall of Fame
    Helpdesk Hall of Fame

    7/28/2009 4:54 PM

    Hi Peter,

    This is an interesting issue, and we've had to go back to the source code to see what's really happening here. This is what we found for v9 and above.

    1. You cannot change a staff member to a client if there are open jobs assigned to that staff member (need to re-assign / close them all first)
    2. If a staff member is changed into a client, and then you view any of the jobs that were actioned / asssigned etc to them, they will display and the ex-staff member will have a different icon next to their name to indicate their identity change.
    3. If a job is re-opened that was assigned to an ex-staff member (now a client), unfortunately, gets lost in the system. We will be releasing a maintenance fix for this issue soon where any "missing in action" jobs will be restored to the skillgroup supervisor.

    The current recommendation for this scenario is to delete any ex-staff members rather than converting them into a client. When a staff member is deleted, they are simply marked as "IsDeleted" at the database level. This means that they won't show in any pick-lists, drop-down boxes etc, however all of the job assignment links remain intact.

    Regarding Active Directory integration, you could disable them from further AD updates by unchecking their AD enabled status.

    Hope this helps. Thanks again for raising this issue - we'll have a release out there soon.


    HelpMaster development team
    Check out the HelpMaster roadmap
    Joanne Crang
    Helpdesk leader
    Helpdesk leader

    8/9/2009 6:05 PM
    Does that mean that a report will still show "deleted" staff members? Eg. if we reported on all jobs closed last year we'd still see people that had left?

    Our problem currently is how to search on a client that has left and been deleted? Can I see all closed jobs for a client that has been deleted? When I enter their name in the clientid box it says no existing users with that name - technically correct!!!!

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