Convert email to tickets!

Scan, filter, parse and process email from any source, any folder.

log new tickets, update existing tickets and configure email processing rules for the whole team.

No matter how good your web request catalog may be, there will always be incoming email to support, sales, facilities or other departmental inboxes.

Use HelpMaster’s powerful and flexible profile-based email processing engine to sort through the email and convert into actionable tickets and workflow.

Convert email to tickets!

Take control of the support inbox

Is a support inbox-zero even possible!? It is when you automatically scan, filter and process all email that is sent to support, sales, and other shared inboxes.

HelpMaster has the most powerful and flexible email processing engine of any tool on the market.

Build multiple profiles to target different inboxes

Build email processing profiles that scan and target different email folders with different filtering and processing options.

Some email processing possibilities are:

  • Log a new support job
  • Update or close an existing helpdesk ticket
  • Process email-based commands to close, reassign or update tickets
  • Parse email content and attachments for content

Benefits of Email Automation

The Email Manager can be configured to support full automation, or also run in drag n drop mode.

  • Full automation automatically processes email in a
  • Automation for email-to-ticket updates and logging
  • Workflow automation for process orchestration
  • Helpdesk history for clients, sites and assets
  • Multi-select ticket for bulk assignment, closure and updates

Check out our video preview

Quickly build powerful email processing profiles to filter, parse, create tickets, or update existing tickets.
video thumbnail

Build email processing rules

Build simple or complex email filtering rules to target the folder, the email and the content you’re looking for.

  • Use an intuitive drag ’n drop workflow designer to target email
  • Filter on subject, message, sender, folder, or other email attributes
  • Parse content into variables, and use them to update content, run scripts, or build strings
  • Scan and parse attachments

Build email processing rules
Build email processing rules
Build email processing rules
Build email processing rules
Build email processing rules
Build email processing rules
Drag 'n drop to convert to ticket

Drag ’n drop to convert to ticket

Email conversion is not just limited to an automated backgound task. Configure individual email inboxes to support ‘drop-folders’

This configuration is useful when an incoming email is mis-directed, or arrives in a personal inbox, rather than the shared ‘support’, ‘sales’, ‘facilities’ inbox.

Simply drag and drop the email to the ‘Log folder’, and it will be converted into a ticket.

Take control of the inbox today!

Start building email filtering rules, and cut through those inboxes today.

Works with M365, Exchange, IMAP and other email systems

Try the Email Manager for yourself!