Configure triggers, rules and automations

HelpMaster has many automation features that can help you to set rules, triggers and custom workflows that can be run when certains conditions are met

Use rules to set priority, assign particular job types to certain skillgroups, escalate overdue jobs etc.

Automation rules free up staff to look after other higher-value activities, instead of wasting time on the micro-management of support tickets.

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Configure triggers, rules and automations

You take care of your customers, let HelpMaster take care of the mundane

Whether it’s routing tickets, categorizing issues, or sending follow-up messages, the consistency of automated processes ensures accuracy and reliability.

Automation can be configured for the following

Build Triggered Event profiles that are based around regular time/date intervals, or use data-based triggers to invoke an action, or series of actions.

Triggered events can be used to…

  • Update data, re-classify jobs, clients, sites, asset or knowledge base articles
  • Log new maintenance and asset jobs/tickets on a recurring schedule (facilities maintenance)
  • Send reminder emails/notifications to stafff and clients when tickets have gone stale
  • Run custom scripts and other workflow when a certain data-point is established
  • Mark knowledge base articles to be reviewed when they age, recieve critical feedback, or become stale

Benefits of Automation

A busy helpdesk / service-desk system has many moving parts. There are tickets, incidents, problems, changes, client records, site records, asset linkages etc. etc. When these things combine to form a job, or other unit of work there are many data-points that you can target in order to kick-off a process, adjust data, send notifications and much more.

  • Automation rules help everything to keep running and stay in-tune
  • Triggers automatically fires when certain data conditions exist
  • Use to enforce data integrity and classification schemes, route jobs and alert relevant personnel
  • All rules are fully tracked, logs and recorded, so you know exactly what happened, when it happened and why it happened.

Date-based triggered events

Use a date-based schedule to trigger the logging of maintenance tasks for facilities management and other compliance and regulatory works.

Tasks and Jobs are logged via templates which ensures that each job is classified, assigned and can utilize the knowledge base , workflow , and email notification etc.

What regular tasks does your business perform?

Date-based triggered events
Date-based triggered events
Date-based triggered events
Event and data-based triggers

Event and data-based triggers

Use data-based triggered to perform an action whenever a defined condition exists in an entity that is being targetted.

For example:

  • If a knowledge base article receives a bad review
  • If the warranty date on an asset is approaching….or has elapsed
  • An urgent helpdesk ticket has not been actioned in 2 days
  • A client support status falls inactive
  • A VIP customer just logged a new support ticket

Build ‘If this, then that’ style processing rules and triggers to keep your team moving.

Use Automation to perform bulk-operations

Automation can be used on individual tickets, or applied to many tickets at once. This is useful for bulk re-assignments, closures, or alert-setting. Use automation to log new jobs and link them to other entities within the system such as clients, sites, assets and knowledge-base articles.
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