Enterprise ready Request Catalog

Build a request catalog for each part of your business and allow your clients, staff and others browse, log, and track incidents and requests.

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Enterprise ready Request Catalog

Not just for the IT Helpdesk
Enterprise-wide request catalog

Why stop at just the IT helpdesk? Build a service request catalog for each part of the business and allow your client and staff to log issues and request items quickly and easily in an intuitive, web portal.

For IT helpdesk

HelpMaster was born in an IT helpdesk environment and has all of the features you’ll need to log, track and manage tickets at the IT Helpdesk. Build ticket templates, configure job status codes, set auto-assignment rules and much more.

For Human Resources

The HR team and the service-desk team work closely together when it comes to employee on-boarding and off-boarding. Build multi-stage HR workflows to handle complex HR scenarios, or simply provide a quick logging experience for simple matters. Integrate with Powershell and other scripting and integration options to automate many aspects of employee management.

For IT Service Management

Go beyond simple ticketing with a full IT Service Management approach to incidents, problems, changes and knowledge management. Build interactive workflows that will guide your teams through each stage of an IT Service process and get the metrics you need to deliver great service in a structured way.

For Facilities Management

Building and facilities management is a natural fit for the HelpMaster request catalog. Log, track and manage facilities issues and repair requests. Assign jobs to relevant skillgroups and repair personnel and stay on-top of preventative, and routine maintenance tasks.

See the request catalog in action

Each tile on the request catalog can be customized with content, viewing permission and automation, for a complete service solution.
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Produce and publish knowledge-base articles for self-help

Turn support know-how into web-based knowledge base articles for staff and clients of the service desk.

Knowledge base articles can assist with self-service, deflect incoming support tickets, and integrated into the job-logging processes as ‘Suggested articles’, or used in workflow when creating, working with, or resolving jobs

Produce and publish knowledge-base articles for self-help
Produce and publish knowledge-base articles for self-help
Produce and publish knowledge-base articles for self-help
Customize the options for different clients and sites

Customize the options for different clients and sites

If you support different clients from multiple companies, you can build a request catalog that gives them their own unique view. This allows different job logging options for different logins.

HelpMaster has a flexible and granular permissions, and client/site/asset grouping system that allows you to give your clients a customized view of your support services.

Set viewing permissions for linked and nominated clients

Set viewing permissions for clients, sites, companies and individual jobs and support tickets.

Individual people from different companies can be granted ‘Site-wide’ viewing permission of support tickets. The ‘Links’ tab on each entity allows you to link multiple clients, assets, jobs, sites and other entities to a job, and then control the visibility for each person

Set viewing permissions for linked and nominated clients
Clients can view progress and updates via the web

Clients can view progress and updates via the web

Staff and clients can view their tickets and support requests on-line to quickly get an update. They can also add notes, close tickets and provide updates.

Status indicators quickly display when a ticket has been updated, or is expecting a client response.

Build customized, responsive forms for specific business operations

The form designer allows you to build multi-staged, field-aware data entry screens that really allow you to capture exactly what you need from your users.

Build customized, responsive forms for specific business operations

Building a support portal is easy, fun and will transform your business!

Download HelpMaster today and start, or call us to help.
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